Tags archives: Catholic Church
4 years ago
Deacon Bill's Gospel Reflection on the Gospel theme this Sunday
It is the duty of all who follow Christ to reconcile people with God and each other, to commit themselves to build bridges between ... [read more]
4 years ago
Deacon Bill's Gospel Reflection on the Gospel theme this Sunday
The Christian vocation is to know Christ, and in knowing him, to strive to be like him; and in striving to be like him, to love him... [read more]
4 years ago
Deacon Bill's Gospel Reflection on the Gospel theme this Sunday
There is a human temptation in all of us to fail to see God in the ordinary things in life and instead look for him in the flamboya... [read more]
4 years ago
Deacon Bill's Gospel Reflection on the Gospel theme this Sunday
Having faith in Jesus Christ does not take away our human fears, likewise prayer does not resolve our fears, but our fears can beco... [read more]
4 years ago
Deacon Bill's Gospel Reflection on the Gospel theme this Sunday
The seeds of our Christian life are sowed by God in the soil of our hearts at baptism and they are tended by the love of our paren... [read more]
4 years ago
Deacon Bill's Gospel Reflection on the Gospel theme this Sunday
The Body and Blood of Christ satisfies our hunger and quenches our thirst because it is the outpouring of God’s love and is always ... [read more]
4 years ago
Deacon Bill's Gospel Reflection on the Gospel theme this Sunday
The feast of The Holy Trinity is not a celebration of the mystery of the Trinity, nor is it a celebration about its mystery. It is ... [read more]
4 years ago
Deacon Bill's Gospel Reflection on the Gospel theme this Sunday
The Holy Spirit is a healing and explosive; consuming and unifying; cleansing and life-giving; consoling and comforting power that... [read more]
4 years ago
Deacon Bill's Gospel Reflection on the Gospel theme this Sunday
Prayer both on a personal level and in common with our sisters and brothers, is born of our faith in God the Father and models itse... [read more]
4 years ago
Deacon Bill's Gospel Reflection on the Gospel theme this Sunday
The things we know of our friends is to be respected and kept safe unless our friends allow us to share it with others. Then it is ... [read more]
4 years ago
Deacon Bill's Gospel Reflection on the Gospel theme this Sunday
Society places a strong emphasis on our personal autonomy and rights as individuals. In contrast, the image of the vine describes u... [read more]
4 years ago
Deacon Bill's Gospel Reflection on the Gospel theme this Sunday
We model ourselves on Jesus when we care for others less fortunate than ourselves. Equally we need to let ourselves be led by Jesus... [read more]