Parish Prayer Intercessions w/b 2nd October 2022


SACRAMENT OF THE SICK: If you, or someone you know, is in URGENT need of the Sacrament of Reconciliation, or Anointing of the Sick, please telephone the parish house to discuss arrangements.

PLEASE PRAY FOR THOSE WHO ARE SICK AT THIS TIME: Rita Gillan, Baby Isabella Maria Maxwell, Hughie Cullen, Hugh Bryceland, Susan Smith, Michael Malone, Anne Haughey, Steven Murphy, Eddie Ford, Maria Cowan, Gerry McParlane, Helen and William Clark, Mary Tolan, Pat Mulrooney, Anne Moore, Patricia Gaunt, Mary Frances Murdoch, Sarah Ponsonby, Jackie Barr, Huw Rodway, Karen Roarty, Brian McCulloch    

PLEASE PRAY FOR THOSE WHO ARE RECENTLY DECEASED: James Ryan, Paddy Coll, Margaret McGrory, Mary McCrear, Mary Molly Gray, Caia May Suzie Friel, Marie Wilson, Mrs Mullan, Ken McGuckin, John Lynch, Carol Leonard, Joe McDermott  

PLEASE PRAY FOR THOSE WHOSE ANNIVERSARIES OCCUR AT THIS TIME: Madge Coyle, Michael Coyle, Rita Cassidy, Patricia Millar, Norman Millar, Roseann Moohan, Chris Williamson, Danny McGloin, Selina McGeever, Harry Mullen

Birthday Blessings:– Marie Coyle

Baptisms:- Layla Grace Grant Weddings:- Kelly and Stuart Goldie

Sanctuary Flowers in recognition of:- Catherine McFarlane, Rita Cassidy, Barney and Hannah Houston, Michael and Grace Sweeney, Andrew and Lucy Smith, John Barclay, Aaron and Claire Smith, Samuel Gallagher, Our Blessed Lady,

If you would like to sponsor the flowers in the sanctuary , in honour of or in memory of a loved one, please fill out the form provided and place in the green box in the stall.

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