Parish News

Parish Bulletin 23rd July 2023

This bulletin contains some important information about parish services and events. Please read this and pass it on to others who do not have online access...

Scripture Commentary: 15th Ordinary Sunday of Year A

We can prepare to participate well in the Sunday Mass liturgy by reading the Scriptures for the Mass and also using this commentary to reflect on their meaning...

Parish Bulletin 16th July 2023

This bulletin contains some important information about parish services and events. Please read this and pass it on to others who do not have online access...

Revised Mass Schedule

During the months of July, August & Sep, there will be no 1pm Mass on weekdays.  There will be no Divine Mercy Novena on Fridays.  This is to allow for summer holidays and for the completion of...

Parish Bulletin 25th June 2023

This bulletin contains some important information about parish services and events. Please read this and pass it on to others who do not have online access...

Scripture Commentary: Twelfth Ordinary Sunday of Year A

We can prepare to participate well in the Sunday Mass liturgy by reading the Scriptures for the Mass and also using this commentary to reflect on their meaning...

Scripture Commentary: 11th Ordinary Sunday – Year A

To participate more fully in the celebration of Holy Mass, you can prepare by reading the Scriptures for the Mass and using this commentary to reflect on their meaning. ...

Parish Bulletin 18th June 2023

This bulletin contains some important information about parish services and events. Please read this and pass it on to others who do not have online access...