Parish News

Parish Bulletin 29th October 2023

This bulletin contains some important information about parish services and events. Please read this and pass it on to others who do not have online access...

Scripture Commentary: 30th Ordinary Sunday in Year A

To prepare well for the celebration of Holy Mass, we are encouraged to read the Mass Scriptures in advance.   You may also find it helpful to use this brief commentary to reflect on their meaning...

Parish Bulletin 22nd October 2023

This bulletin contains some important information about parish services and events. Please read this and pass it on to others who do not have online access...

Scripture Commentary: 29th Ordinary Sunday in Year A

To prepare well for the celebration of Holy Mass, we should read the Mass Scriptures in advance and also use this commentary to reflect on their meaning...

Parish Bulletin 15th October 2023

This bulletin contains some important information about parish services and events. Please read this and pass it on to others who do not have online access...

Scripture Commentary: 28th Ordinary Sunday in Year A

To prepare well for the celebration of Holy Mass, we should read the Mass Scriptures in advance and also use this commentary to reflect on their meaning...

Parish Bulletin 8th October 2023

This bulletin contains some important information about parish services and events. Please read this and pass it on to others who do not have online access...

Scripture Commentary: 27th Ordinary Sunday in Year A

To prepare well for the celebration of Holy Mass, we should read the Mass Scriptures in advance and also use this commentary to reflect on their meaning...