Category archives: Parish Admin
This booklet outlines the many opportunities in the parish for Caritas Award volunteers to get involved in support our parish community. Please note that the booklet layout is set for printing on bot... [read more]
7 years ago
The Sunday Readers' Rota for October to December 2017 can be viewed here. Where holiday arrangements or sickness leaves you ill-disposed, please try to arrange a substitute reader.
NEW READERS are... [read more]
7 years ago
To arrange a Baptism in the parish, please contact Deacon Bill (07767 290840) to make an appointment.
CLICK HERE to download a Baptismal Registration Form which should be filled in and returned to De... [read more]
8 years ago
Have you considered using Gift Aid to make donations to the Parish? If you are a UK Taxpayer, the Gift Aid scheme enables you to ensure that the tax you have already paid on the money you are donatin... [read more]
8 years ago
There are various ways in which you can update your parish records. Please be assured that, in keeping with the Data Protection Act, any information you will supply will be used for Parish Records onl... [read more]