We have now received our refund of tax paid on church offerings by parishioners who are members of the Gift Aid Scheme. HMRC has sent us £16,879.06. Sincere thanks to all of those taxpayers who are members of the scheme. While we are delighted to receive this amount, our membership numbers are dwindling. Remember, it does not cost you any money – the Government is returning tax you have paid on the amount you contribute to the Parish. It is easy to make payments, either by using the envelopes provided which you put in the “plate” each week – or you can pay direct into the parish bank account if that suits you. Members of the scheme should report any changes to their tax status – i.e. if they no longer pay tax. If you pay direct through the bank it is also easy to increase your payments by asking the bank. Finally, we can only reclaim tax on money for the Parish, WE CANNOT RECLAIM TAX ON SPECIAL COLLECTIONS and we no longer collect for the building fund. If you have any queries about this please contact us by email (see above) or use the contact form on the website. If you prefer, you can leave your details with one of the priests and we will contact you.

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