Parish News

Publishing Names in Parish Bulletin

You may be aware that new data regulations which have come into force which have an effect on various aspects of the parish, such as the publishing of names of the sick.  We now need written ...

Understanding Bereavement

An ‘Understanding Bereavement’ Introductory Workshop will take place on Saturday 13th October 2018 from 10.30 am until 3.15 pm in St Columbkille’s Hall (First Floor).  This workshop will ...

Reading at Children’s Mass

Father Hennessy would like a parent or grandparent to do one of the readings during the Children’s 10.30am Mass. The dates of these Masses are on the notice board in the Porch. If you are willing to ...

Scripture Commentary 24th Sunday of Year

To support all Parish Readers and all parishioners who wish to prepare themselves for participating fully in the celebration of Holy Mass, the parish provides commentaries on the Scripture passages ...

Church Cleaning

A big THANK YOU to all the faithful volunteers, men and women, who turn up to clean the church after 10.00 am Mass on Thursdays. The more people who turn up, the more jobs we can do to help clean and ...

The Catholic App

The Catholic App is a smart Catholic companion that helps you find times of Mass, Confession, in churches in the Diocese of Motherwell and elsewhere. You can download the app for iPhone/iPad or ...

Scripture Commentary 23rd Sunday of Year

To support all Parish Readers and all parishioners who wish to prepare themselves for participating fully in the celebration of Holy Mass, the parish provides commentaries on the Scripture passages ...

Ordination to the Priesthood of Deacon Charles Coyle

We are delighted to be able to confirm that the Ordination of Deacon Charles Coyle will take place in St Columbkille’s Church on Thursday 27th June 2019 at 7pm. This will be followed by his first ...