Can you support the costs of our live streaming?

We would be most grateful for any donations towards the costs of installing the equipment which has allowed us to livestream Mass daily from St Columbkille’s.  As the church re-opens, initially for prayer and then for the celebration of Mass with restricted numbers, we will continue to live stream Mass each day.  This all comes at a cost – between £3.5k and £4k.  All contributions towards this cost will be greatly appreciated.  READ MORE below about the story of live streaming from St Columbkille’s these past few months.

The story so far . . . When our church was forced to close on 19th March 2020, our parishioners were faced with months of having no access to our services.  As we considered how we might live-stream Mass, the first problem we faced was that the companies which supply and install the necessary equipment had all closed down.  The second problem was that there was no Internet connection in the church.  We managed to purchase a powerful IP camera which transmits directly to YouTube and Facebook Live and this was installed on a temporary basis with microphones picking up the sound from the speakers in the church.  (Each day that the church is open for prayer, this equipment is being dismantled and then reassembled for the next Mass.)  Because we had no Broadband connection available in the Church, we had to connect to the Internet using a SIM card router which, given the size of our church building, did not always transmit the best quality signal. 

An improving picture . . .Now we have installed a high quality Broadband connection in the church and the camera is about to be installed permanently and connected directly to our sound system.  We appreciate your patience in putting up with some of the transmission problems we have experienced.  We know, from many messages, how much parishioners (and others) have appreciated the chance to participate remotely in daily Mass from St Columbkille’s.  We want to ensure that live streaming continues to provide opportunities for those who cannot come to church (for whatever reason) to be “present” at Mass, Funerals, Baptisms etc.  Your financial support, as always, will be gratefully received.

To contribute towards these costs, you can click below to donate online:


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