Use of Latin in the Liturgy


It is appropriate that we use Latin at certain liturgies as the 2nd Vatican Council state that “the use of the Latin language is to be preserved” (Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy No 36). Latin is suitable to be the Church’s language, especially in music, as it is:

  1. Universal – a substantial heritage of mankind across many diverse regions, embracing the entire Christian era from its beginning to the present.
  2. Immutable – it is not a national tongue of any particular ethnic group that is subject to constant change.
  3. Sacred – it was prepared through Divine Providence to be transformed under the guidance of the Holy Spirit and become the language of the Church’s social foundation on the rock of Peter in Rome.

The 4pm Mass on Sundays will normally feature sung Latin at various parts of the Mass.  Sheets are available to provide the texts.

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